Every year, the rescue service can fire up to 1,800 electricity-related fires.

- Every year, 10-20 people are injured due to electric fires and electrical accidents and we know that illegal electrical installations pose an increased risk. The survey indicates widespread ignorance, many are not aware of the possible consequences of a faulty electrical installation. It is alarming, says Bo Lundin, responsible for Damage Prevention Real Estate at the Fire Protection Association, in a press release.

Big difference between the sexes

The gender difference is large. For it is mainly men who state in the survey that they have carried out an illegal electrical installation, in particular 52 percent of those who participated. Of women, only 11 percent.

Invites people to check their electrical system

There are also very few people who feel worried that electrical installations can pose a fire risk in the home. Almost a tenth say they are worried.

- It may not be you who is affected by an electric fire, it may be the family of children moving in after you. We would therefore like to encourage all homeowners to check their electrical installation, preferably with the help of an authorized inspection engineer or an electrical installation company registered with the Swedish Electricity Safety Agency. We also welcome the fact that the Government has granted increased funding to the Swedish ESA to focus on the issue, says Bo Lundin.