Trump President Major League Baseball Team Invite Some People Also Absent November 5th 9:33

President Trump of the United States invited and congratulated Nationals, who won the World League World Series for the first time, to the White House.

President Trump invites players to the White House after the World Series champions based in Washington won the World Series and became the first World Champion, and a welcome ceremony was held on the 4th. It was.

According to the White House, the ceremony was filled with over 5,000 fans and others, and President Trump said, “There have never been so many people here. , Congratulated the local team for their achievement.

At the ceremony, one of the players wore a red baseball cap that the President of Trump favored, saying, “Make America Great Again”, and another player told President Trump “The America is the greatest in the world. I am grateful to continue this country. ”

On the other hand, several players were absent from the ceremony, and one of the main players declined because he could not agree with Trump's policy on racist behavior and sexual minorities.

American media reports that sports also reflected differences in political position.