Weight gain is likely to have many negative consequences for the body, possibly associated with an increased risk of depression and anxiety in the short term. In the long term, a person may have breathing, heart and pregnancy problems for women.

In her report published by the Russian site FBR, Anastasia Trenteva said that a healthy lifestyle is necessary, since weight gain and an unhealthy diet lead to many serious consequences.

1 - the sense of taste worsens
Some people may seem to be gaining weight because they eat delicious food, but it's not a bad thing, says the writer. .

2 - migraine
Weight gain increases the chances of a sudden migraine. Interestingly, obesity is not the main cause of migraines, but an important factor in increasing the risk of migraines.

3 - the accumulation of cholesterol
The body needs cholesterol to develop cells. In contrast, if your blood cholesterol level is too high, it increases your risk of heart disease. In fact, being overweight makes the body produce high amounts of cholesterol, increasing the likelihood of fat accumulation in blood vessels.

Feeling depressed
The author reported that according to studies, weight gain is directly related to depression. In this regard, the increase in some kilograms has a negative psychological impact, especially on women. According to another study, people who are overweight are 55% more likely to develop depression during their lifetime.

5 - problems in pregnancy
One of the most serious consequences for women gaining extra weight is the increased risk of infertility. Excess fat tissue leads to hormonal imbalances, which affect the menstrual cycle and egg quality; as a result, women may find it difficult to get pregnant.

Vitamin D deficiency
Overweight causes vitamin D deficiency, an important nutrient that can help the body absorb calcium, boost bone growth, treat autoimmune diseases, and fight depression, the author said. Generally, people with vitamin D deficiency feel muscle pain, as well as many parts of the body.

Some believe that weight gain is the accumulation of some kilograms in certain areas of the body and not others, but they are in fact evenly distributed; As a result, one starts snoring with an annoying voice.

8 - DNA change
Although our genes do not change throughout our lives, the unhealthy lifestyle affects them. In fact, weight gain has a significant negative impact on DNA.

9 - kidney problems
The author shows that if you notice that you are starting to go to the bathroom more than usual, you will have to pay attention to it. In general, this is one of the symptoms of kidney disease, in addition to weight gain. According to a study by the University of California, San Francisco, people who are obese and overweight are seven times more likely to develop kidney problems and kidney failure than people with normal weight.

10 - breathing problems
As a result of weight gain, one is likely to suffer from sleep apnea. This reduces or even stops airflow; as a result, the brain sends a signal to humans to wake it up.

11 - high blood pressure and blood sugar
For weight gain many other negative consequences, such as high blood pressure, increasing the risk of stroke and dementia. Moreover, being overweight puts you at risk of diabetes.

12 - more anxiety than before
The author reported that there are many things of human concern. According to a new study, the chances of feeling anxious when gaining weight are higher. According to the researchers, women who are overweight are more concerned than skinny women.

In fact, the symptoms of anxiety decreased when women lost some kilograms. As a result, weight loss changes brain chemistry, producing serotonin, known as the "happiness hormone."