English private examination Former Minister of Education Shimomura “To ask four skills” Background explanation November 20, 20:08

In connection with the postponement of the introduction of the English private exam to the university entrance common test, Shimomura and former Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of the Liberal Democratic Party decided to use the private exam to ask four skills such as speaking in the entrance exam. "And explained the background of the introduction of private testing.

Shimomura and former Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of the Liberal Democratic Party told reporters in Nagano about the introduction of an English private examination to the university entrance common test. That was essentially the question, and the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology decided to put four reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills into the entrance examination.

On top of that, "If you do everything in the center exam, you will have to invest a considerable amount of new tax, but since quite a few universities have already introduced private exams, you should be able to make good use of it. It ’s a history. ”

Prior to this, Mr. Shimomura said in a lecture, “I think that we should receive a typhoon No.19 and discuss the constitution in the Diet and raise emergency response as an issue,” and abnormal weather is pointed out. In particular, he showed that environmental rights can be a topic of discussion.