Aseel soldier - occupied Jerusalem

The extremist groups called on their supporters a few days ago to fill the posts announced by the occupation police to "explorers" assistants in the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

They will be entrusted with accompanying invaders and tourists to take up the task of guiding tourism "religious guidance in practice," and the groups considered this a privileged opportunity to earn a decent living and adhere to the biblical teachings at the same time.

The calls came after the police issued an announcement calling for the recruitment of "explorers of the Temple Mount" to help its members in the task of escorting and protecting the intruders of the Al-Aqsa Mosque. Explorers are expected to enter service early next year in preparation for the storming season for that year, which will begin in March 2020.

Thus, after a long process of pressure and penetration, the groups have practically become an organic part of the Israeli police in the Al-Aqsa Mosque, according to Ziad Abeheis, a Jerusalem researcher.

The researcher based in Jordan confirms that since 2015 until now, sympathy has developed between the police chiefs in the Old City and Al-Aqsa and the leaders of the structure groups, and their shared images after the success of the intrusions are circulating on social media.

The police also allowed the building of a permanent "pergola" at the door of the Moroccans, and the establishment of a religious school, known as the "Temple Mount School", whose students will serve the intruders and provide water and refreshments for them, and to hold lessons on the alleged structure and structure and duties of worship in a distance of the door of the Moroccans .

A radical shift to police functions
Abhis said that the profound change in the police mission began in 2003 shortly after the Israeli court's decision to allow Jews to storm the Al-Aqsa Mosque, reinforced by the court's decision in 2006 to allow Jews to storm Al-Aqsa as groups, but placed two restrictions on it. Performance of worship.

Based on these decisions, the task of the Israeli police turned over at its points outside the gates of the Al-Aqsa Mosque.After its mission was to prevent the entry of Jews to the mosque except by an exceptional order, the task of the police became to allow their entry and protection inside Al-Aqsa because storming them would provoke worshipers.

Abhais added that this mission has evolved to expand the force concerned with Al-Aqsa and qualify it differently, and to build an information system, simulation and devices to ensure continuous control and control in order to make it difficult for Muslims to reach Al-Aqsa as a source of danger to the invaders.

The development of police functions spanned years as the parliamentary influence of the Temple Mount groups rose from two deputies in 2003 to seven deputies in 2009.These groups used their influence to pressure the police from outside to ensure that they adopted their goals and demands more and faster.

The groups placed in mind the position of the Minister of Internal Security as the direct supervisor of the work of the police, and was able to win the Minister of Internal Security - then - Isaac Aharonovich, who stormed the Aqsa in 2009 and entered all the chapels, and made important adjustments in the work of the police and the position of these groups.

With the direct support of the Hulk groups, in 2015, Gilad Ardan was appointed Minister of Internal Security, a politician whom they now regard as one of them, completely banning Rabat's institutions, and outlawing the Islamist movement that supports them.

Ardan also tried to impose a full sharing of festivals, preventing Muslims from entering Al-Aqsa permanently on the Jewish New Year, and escalated in his reign to his public talk about two months ago about the need to change the status quo in Al-Aqsa by allowing Jews to pray there, and devote part of it to the permanent prayer of Jews in Referring to the chapel of Bab al-Rahma, whose government is still looking to re-close it, and take it as a starting point for the project of spatial division of Al-Aqsa.

Ardan's statements were followed by public prayers for extremists during the last Jewish holidays in October, police allowed them to enter religious pilgrimage costumes, and prevented Al-Aqsa mosque guards from approaching or even photographing them.

Since the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the occupation of Jerusalem, the stereotypical change in the police policy towards the extremists has started by facilitating the examination of the intruders, overlooking the inspection of the gates and canceling the strict inspection of visitors.

In contrast, the leaders of the Hulk groups intensified coordination with the police command in the Jerusalem District and delegates are now attending every celebration to change and appoint new officers.

These successive developments witnessed in the yards of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, the president of the Aqsa Academy for Endowment and Heritage successful Bakirat need to be seen very seriously.

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Full occupation control
Commenting on the group's call for supporters to apply for vacancies in Al-Aqsa, Bakirat said that this is part of the ongoing attempts to abolish the role of the Hashemite guardianship of Al-Aqsa and transfer the entire mosque administration to the Israeli occupation.

He adds that the police seek to increase the extremist members among its ranks in Al-Aqsa to sympathize with the intruders and condone the performance of their Talmudic rituals inside the mosque, and do not hesitate to suppress the guards and worshipers.

Bakirat explained that "these calls want to end the Islamic holiness in Al-Aqsa and seek to create a new Jewish holiness through the presence of these extremist elements in Al-Aqsa, and this is a dangerous stage that ends the era of the historical situation of the mosque."