Some hazardous products may be classified in one country and normally sold in another, where regulators may consider that they contain, for example, chemical additives whose effect on the body is unclear, or whether long-term damage to consumers is established.

In his report, published by the Russian site FBRI, writer Ivan Marshuk pointed out that we may sometimes notice the existence of a food product widespread among millions of people in the world, while banned in a particular country, for fear of causing harm to consumers.

Here are 4 products that some countries have banned:

1- Chicken meat sterilized with chlorine :
Chlorinated sterilized chicken meat has been banned in the EU and Britain since 1997. Although it eliminates dangerous bacteria such as salmonella, European countries have considered the use of chlorine dangerous because prolonged exposure or in large quantities would harm consumer health.

2- Grain Board :
Some cereal-based foods have always been shown to be healthy and rich in vitamins and minerals, but in Denmark the regulatory authorities have banned the promotion of these products. According to the Danish Ministry of Health and Food, these pills contain harmful and highly toxic substances and additives, and their routine consumption can harm the liver and kidneys in children.

Meat containing ractopamine :
Meat sold on the market often contains ractopamine, a drug given to animals during their upbringing until their weight rises rapidly, but they cause heart disease. This type of meat is banned in 160 countries around the world, including the European Union, China and Russia.

4- Bread containing bleach :
Azodicarbonamide, a banned substance in the European Union and Australia, is included in the composition of some breads. This substance is used as a chemical additive to make bread acquire an attractive white color and stay fresh longer, but it causes allergic reactions, and may lead to the development of symptoms of asthma.