There are dozens of apps dedicated to making money, if not hundreds, and all you have to do is remember the ABCs of wealth acquisition, and use these apps to boost your money-making potential.

What makes these apps great is that they can be linked to a PayPal account, while others will only get you gift cards, but they are useful in any case.

In his article published by The Money Mix, the American writer Bob said that the money-making applications can be classified into multiple groups, including applications of discounts, and there is dedicated to granting rewards for the implementation of certain tasks, while the third category of applications inject money into user accounts after Their answers to paid surveys.

But the author called for precaution on money-making apps, because some were created by their owners to defraud users, some paid survey sites may direct you to another site, and some may ask you to provide your contact information or very specific information.

You should not put information beyond your country. In general, all survey companies need is information related to your gender, family income and area of ​​work, whereas your name and contact information do not exist.

Using some apps boosts your money-making potential (Reuters)

Survey applications
Poll apps have been popular for years when it comes to making money online, just give feedback on some products and services and get paid.

Each questionnaire has different requirements, which makes you ineligible for each questionnaire, and in turn, some questionnaires may be very profitable, as is the case with research studies.

This application is favored by those who seek to make money via smartphone applications, due to give it money to users in several ways.

These ranges from completing surveys to getting part of the money paid in online purchases, as well as special offers, watching videos, and ending online research.

Swagbacks claim that surveys may give users about $ 50, while most may pay between $ 40 and $ 2.

While this is not a large amount, a single questionnaire does not take long, and you will have enough points to redeem your Starbucks, iTunes and other gift cards, or you can exchange cash and transfer it to your PayPal account.

The Uber service is one of the money-making apps. All you need is a car, and you will be able to transport passengers and charge money for this service.

Uber application enables you to transport passengers in your car and charge money for this service (Reuters)

Inbox dollars
This app tempts users to give them $ 5 when they create an account, but the surveys they provide and the method of payment for completion are very slow due to the paucity of the polls themselves. Once you get thirty dollars, you can transfer them to your PayPal account, or get them by check.

Applications get things done
These apps give their users money for completing certain tasks, and they belong to the “temporary economy” or participatory economy. In some ways, such applications have redefined the meaning of job creation, allowing people to work on a flexible schedule and hours that can be changed as needed.

Cuts applications
With these apps you can shop in the e-shops you usually shop, but you will be able to recover your money when browsing from these applications. After that, you'll be able to spend your credit and exchange it for real money.

Swat Queen
This app pays money to its users for their walk, no need to do any other work to make money. You can simply download the app and start roaming around to earn SWAT coins and convert them into rewards, ranging from Amazon gift cards to a PayPal account.

However, some users on the Reddit site complained that the application does not count their steps during their walk sometimes, which is confirmed by the author of the article based on his personal experience.

Drops can be linked directly to your credit card. The application allows its user to choose five favorite stores, so that these stores receive special offers you will not find in any other application.