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Beginning of the 4th "month without tobacco", annual operation to help smokers to stop in France. Getty Images

"A month without tobacco" is an initiative of the Ministry of Health. She is celebrating her fourth edition this year. Purpose of the operation: to encourage French smokers to encourage each other to stop smoking.

The French smoke less! This is what we are assured authorities for which the initiative of the month without tobacco has clearly contributed to the historic decline in smoking in France. According to them, they would be more than one and a half million daily smokers to have dropped between 2016 and 2018.

And the success of the operation would be in the collective dimension of this meeting. An event both relayed on social networks and which stars of the small screen are now promoting to make it a popular success.

But the decline in smokers is also due to the sharp increase in tobacco taxes that has been in place for two years. As proof, this new increase of 50 cents applied today on the price of the pack of cigarettes. Now, for the most expensive cigarettes, it will cost up to 9.30 euros.

And then, there is also the electronic cigarette . Although vaping is not part of the arsenal officially recommended for stopping smoking, it continues to attract more and more French who use it as a transitional aid before complete weaning. In France every year, tobacco continues to kill 75,000 people.

Young people less and less attracted to cigarettes 01/11/2019 - by Nicolas Rocca