The stop was about 470 bus drivers working for Old Uppsala Bus. The background is the abuse that took place during Tuesday night, where a bus driver was taken to hospital after being accosted by several people.

On Wednesday, a safety ombud stop was issued at Gamla Uppsala Bus which meant that drivers should not have to check tickets at the travel center. But after a meeting with the company management and trade union representatives, the Work Environment Authority decided that the safety ombud stop should be lifted.

"Creates unnecessary buzz"

- Even if the stop is canceled, we will meet again. The demands from the floor remain, and we are adhering to our requirement: Bus drivers should not have to check tickets, says Jafar Sarehkhani, bus driver and union coordinator on the Old Uppsala bus.

He continues:

- That task only creates unnecessary problems and problems. We want our colleagues to feel safe in their workplace.

"No immediate danger"

The Swedish Work Environment Authority was the ones who decided that the stop would be lifted.

"We decided that the stop should be lifted because there is no immediate danger to life and health," says Peder Carlsson, section manager at the Swedish Work Environment Authority, region Mitt.

He also points out that the Old Uppsala bus in the past year has taken several measures to improve safety.

- Among other things, through routines that prevent the driver from leaving his seat and that he should not enter into discussions with travelers who cannot present a valid ticket. They also have cameras in some buses and the buses should be equipped with alarms, says Peder Carlsson.

At the same time, the Swedish Work Environment Authority considers that the employer has flaws in its systematic work environment work with regard to risk assessment and collaboration.