
October 31, 2019The mayors' rebellion after the umpteenth tragic accident on highway 514 - notorious for the long series of incidents that have been recorded over the years and for the many lives sacrificed - where yesterday three people died in the impact front between a car and a heavy vehicle in the province of Syracuse. The first citizens of Francofonte, Carlentini, Chiaramente Gulfi, Licodia Eubea, Vizzini and Lentini - respectively Daniele Lentini, Giuseppe Stefio, Sebastiano Gurrieri, Giovanni Verga, Vito Cortese and Saverio Bosco - announce the closure of the sections of the state falling within the territory of their Municipalities .

The mayors recall that, in Catania, "only a few days before there had been a meeting with the Deputy Minister of Infrastructure, Giancarlo Cancelleri and with the CEO of Anas, Massimo Simonini", during which the latter reiterated their firm commitment to keep the willingness to proceed with the construction of the Ragusa-Catania motorway with Anas and entirely state-owned funds, "without taking into consideration the fact that the time required for carrying them out considerably, setting aside the procedure that had obtained all the legal procedures".

The first citizens, they add bitterly, "were unfortunately easy Cassandre when they said that 'we will be forced to count more victims'". At this point the mayors have decided, "to protect public security", to communicate to the prefects of Syracuse, Ragusa and Catania that they wish to adopt "contingent and urgent" orders for the closure of the transit of the sections of state 514 in the territories of Francofonte , Carlentini, Chiaramonte Gulfi, Licodia Eubea, Vizzini and Lentini ".