It was in August that Ludwig was stopped by three young men in central Gothenburg. With a knife to his throat, he was forced to his knees and asked to leave his valuables.

- I tried to keep as calm as possible and not make them upset. But I still think about what happened to me, not going home alone at night anymore. The robbery has left its mark, he says.

The suspects were arrested shortly thereafter and have now been charged. During the trial, it emerged that one of the suspects, a 17-year-old, was arrested for two robberies this spring.

The 17-year-old escaped

While awaiting trial, the 17-year-old was taken care of by the social services and, according to the Act on the Care of Young Persons (LVU), received forced care at a residence in Western Sweden.

But he escaped and went to Gothenburg where the crime tour continued, including with the robbery against Ludwig. The manager of the accommodation, phoned the social media in Gothenburg and announced that the 17-year-old had escaped. But there the information stayed.

- If we had found out within the police, we would have searched for him. Here, it seems, quite simply, that a miss has been committed in the system, says Hans Jörgen Ostler area police in Gothenburg, who at the same time wants to emphasize that it is important for the police to bring social service into the job.

The social service does not want to comment

Sector manager at the social services Ing-Marie Larsson does not want to comment on the individual case, but believes that the activities with youth placements work well.

- There are certainly things that can be done better. Generally, when someone is LVU: ad and forcibly treated and nonconforming, we usually ask for handcuffing by the police, she says.

"Sounds totally sick"

If the 17-year-old had been arrested and returned to his residence during the summer, it is possible that several of the robberies could have been avoided.

- It sounds absolutely sick that they are allowed to run free and continue to rob people. After all, a robber should not be able to escape without even noticing. Someone has not done their job, the system should be reviewed, says Ludwig Boström.

Footnote: Both Hans Jörgen Ostler and Ludwig Boström participate in Opinion live during Thursday evening.