Sinking in the former Japanese army's "special attack" US aircraft carrier underwater video release October 30 10:29


An American team discovered an aircraft carrier of the US Navy that was sunk in response to a so-called “special attack” on the bottom of the Philippine Sea. released.

The US Navy ’s small aircraft carrier “Saint Law” was engaged in the escort of a transport ship in the Pacific War and participated in the landing operation on Leyte Island in the Philippines. In response to the so-called “special attack” of the former Japanese army, it sunk and 143 people died.

An American Foundation research team investigating a ship sunk during World War II discovered “St. Law” sinking to a depth of 4736 meters in the Philippine Sea in May. We succeeded in photographing the hull with a research boat.

From this month's video, you can see the camouflage painted on the hull, clearly read the engraved letters, and the flying deck that seems to be lazy under strong force.

It is said that “Shitoshima Corps” led by Captain Yukio Seki is the one who sank “St. Lo” and is positioned as the first special attack that the Japanese army has organized.

In response to the results of this operation, the Army and Navy began full-scale special attack operations, and approximately 4,000 people were killed by the end of the war.

“It was the first time that the special operation was a big success, and it was the opportunity for the military to focus on the special after that.” It ’s a discovery with great significance. ”