Review of Aegis Ashore deployment plan review First meeting of the expert meeting October 30 18:15

The first meeting of the expert meeting established by the Ministry of Defense was held over the deployment plan of the new interceptor missile system “Aegis Ashore” and the validity of the re-investigation that received a survey data error was held. We confirmed the policy to reflect the contents verified in the review.

Over the deployment plan of the new interceptor missile system “Aegis Ashore”, the Ministry of Defense has been outsourcing survey surveys, etc., to conduct surveys, etc., because there are numerous survey data mistakes at potential deployment sites. .

The Ministry of Defense established an expert meeting with outside experts on civil engineering, architecture, electromagnetic waves, etc., and held the first meeting on the 30th in order to verify the re-survey method and the validity of the contents.

At the beginning of the meeting, Secretary-General Kenichi Takahashi said, “I want you to objectively verify the validity to restore trust.”

The meeting will also conduct field surveys as necessary, technically verifying the survey and infrastructure surveys, the impact of the deployment of Aegis Ashore on the surrounding radio wave environment and groundwater, etc. We confirmed the policy to be reflected in.