• Maneuver, the majority summit concluded after two hours
  • The Radical Radical Funds Case Breaks Out. Di Maio: "Those 8 million diamoli to earthquake victims"


30 October 2019 "In this maneuver there will be less taxes, less bureaucracy and less tax evasion. The country starts up again with more money for families, workers and businesses". With a tweet the President of the Council, Giuseppe Conte, announces the conclusion of the majority summit on the budget maneuver.

Second round
Radio Radicale among the nodes still to be unraveled. The majority summit on the maneuver is resumed at Palazzo Chigi. According to reports, the meeting was only "suspended" to allow deputies to vote for confidence in the Save Business decree and Economy Minister Roberto Gualtieri to participate in a TV broadcast. Indeed, as explained by Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio, some things remain to be defined. Among the points on which there is still no agreement there would be the question of funds for Radio Radicale.

In this #manovra there will be less taxes, less bureaucracy, less tax evasion. The country starts up again with more money for families, workers and businesses. pic.twitter.com/HwLkPMpEDL

- Giuseppe Conte (@GiuseppeConteIT) October 30, 2019

Di Maio
"There is the agreement on VAT numbers, the flat rate remains at 15 percent and above all the limits on the capital goods that they wanted to put up". Luigi Di Maio said this when he entered Palazzo Chigi about the resumption of the majority summit. "As far as the rest is concerned, both the family fund and the tax wedge are in agreement, we are introducing the latest rules, even if they are not burdensome, there is an important rule regarding green electric mobility for the public administration, that is, we will make sure that all the tenders that the public administration will make in the coming months may be oriented to always buying electric and green vehicles, and then of course we refinance all the battles we have carried on as 100 units and citizenship income ", added Di Maio.