A misunderstanding with the ambulance delegation caused the assistance to be delayed for an informant who was found unconscious during a competition in Gotland in October.

The person died at the scene and now it appears in a deviation report that the ambulance was on the way - but turned around after being told that a helicopter was lifting. But that was not the case.

The distance was just over two miles

When the ambulance unit in question returned to the station, they encountered the helicopter unit on the way into a car. According to the deviation report, the distance to the site was just over two miles and the time gain with the helicopter has been called into question. When the helicopter crew heard what had happened, they chose to fly to the scene of the accident.

The reason for the incident was, according to the report, SOS Alarm's ignorance of helicopter take-off times and the geography of Gotland, and that the operator did not contact the helicopter personnel.