Landslide caused by heavy rain in Cameroon 22 deaths Oct. 30 7:03

In Cameroon, Central Africa, a landslide due to heavy rain occurred on the 28th, killing at least 22 people and missing 34 people.

According to Cameroon's state-run broadcast, a massive landslide occurred on the slopes of the mountainous village on the 28th night in Western Bahusum, killing at least 22 people and missing 34 people.

A landslide occurred around 10:00 pm, and over 10 houses were destroyed, and the local footage digs up the slopes where the rescue team and locals collapsed, looking for people who are missing I'm telling you how.

In this area, heavy rain fell on the 28th and the ground was in a loose state.

In Central Africa, in the Central African Republic, which is the neighboring country of Cameroon, nearly 30,000 people were forced to evacuate due to the long-term rain, and in South Sudan, 1 million people were inundated due to flooding of houses and schools, and cuts of roads and bridges. It has become a situation that affects the life of, and damage caused by heavy rain has been one after another.