
North Korea said in a talk under the name of Kim Gye-gwan, a foreign adviser, that he wanted to see how the United States wisely passed the end of the year. It is interpreted as showing change until the end of the year.

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"I want to see how the United States wisely crosses the end of the year," North Korea said in a talk by Kim Gye-gwan, a senior foreign adviser.

It is interpreted as a call for the United States to change by the end of the year, set by Kim Jong-un as the deadline for negotiations.

Kim Gye-gwan advised Kim Jong-un and President Trump's acquaintance, saying, "If you have a will, the road will open."

In citing Trump's recent statement that the North Korean leader is in good relations, he said Kim Jong-un also noted that his relationship with President Trump is exceptional.

Kim Gye-gwan, however, complained that Washington's list and the US administration's policymakers are still hostile to North Korea because of the Cold War.

Emphasizing the friendship between the two leaders in North America, he appears to have urged President Trump to make the decision North Korea wants.

Earlier this month, at the Stockholm North American negotiations, North Korea insisted that the US responded with sincerity, saying it had taken steps to suspend its nuclear test, launch the ICBM, and abandon the Punggye-ri nuclear test site.