• Maneuver, Count: The letter from Brussels is a normal dialogue with the EU
  • Maneuver, EU letter to Italy: "The plan does not respect the debt reduction target"


October 23, 2019Last day for the Italian government, which will have to send a letter to Brussels on the compliance with the budget law to the parameters of debt reduction. The Conte government prepares the answer to the
clarifications urged by the EU on the maneuver, with Brussels asking Rome how it intends to intervene on the deficit. Ik premier and economy minister Roberto Gualtieri say that the answer will leverage the resources deriving from the fall in the spread and the "fiscal stance", the pro-growth budget position agreed with the Eurogroup on 9 October.

The Mef's letter of reply to Europe should point to the fact that, as explained by Conte, "the reduction of the spread" in place since the birth of the new government "will allow savings of up to 18 billion, 630 euros for each tax payer", to be used for debt reduction. The objective of the ongoing confrontation with the EU is to secure the request, of which the Commission "acknowledges", to be able to use flexibility for exceptional events.

The attempt, both in Rome and in Brussels, is to dampen tensions while, figures written in the budgetary planning document, Gualtieri will provide details in his letter and explain that these are "prudent" estimates and that from the fight to evasion is expected not 7 but 3 billion but also in this case greater results are expected.

The government, however, plays on the edge of the infringement: it is crucial not to blow the balance of the balances. Conte would also have remembered it at the summit on Monday at Palazzo Chigi, which saw a comparison between the parties that were at times very lively. The Prime Minister and the Economy Minister then immediately try to arm the budget law as much as possible