Tanum places second on the list of which of Sweden's 290 municipalities where the cars on average drive the longest per year.

There they drove an average of 1346 km / car last year, according to figures from Traffic Analysis. It is as long as driving back and forth to Paris, four times. Gasoline prices in Sweden therefore have a major effect on car owners in Tanum.

- It's totally crazy. The price is far too high and it affects us who do not live in town. I try to plan my purchases so that I don't have to go so many times. But it's hard for everything to be so widespread here, says Åse Röman, who lives in Bullaren.

Unclear reasons behind the placement

No one really knows why Tanum is so high at the top. But you can give general answers from Traffic Analysis.

"A higher proportion of the population has a relatively long work commute, which may be due to lower access to public transport or relatively long distances to service," says Anette Myhr, Statistics at Traffic Analysis.

At Tanum municipality, there is no exact answer as to why the mileage is as long as it is.

- Unfortunately, train traffic is not expanded, and with the E6 through the municipality it can be easier with car commuting. There are more trains from Uddevalla, but it is about 45 minutes by car to get there. The municipality is the largest in the entire Västra Götaland region, which means that you may drive far even in your spare time, writes Sofia Agertoft, communicator at Tanum Municipality to SVT Nyheter Väst in an e-mail.

See the video above about how petrol prices affect Åse Röman.

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