The gallbladder is located below the liver, and its function is to store bile, which is produced by the liver, necessary to digest fat, and may develop cancer, what are the symptoms?

Most people do not pay attention to this small organ, while they should pay attention to some of the symptoms of gallbladder cancer manifested in:

1- Yellowing of the skin
Yellowing of the skin and eyes is known as "jaundice", and it is recommended to see a doctor in the event of a strange pigment on the skin. Often, this change in color may be the result of non-cancerous causes, but in rare cases, it may be an indication of a tumor in the gallbladder causing the accumulation of bile, which leads to yellowing of the skin.

2. Chronic pain in the stomach
You often think that abdominal pain is just indigestion or cramps in your menstrual cycle, but it can indicate gallbladder cancer if combined with other symptoms.

3. Nausea and vomiting
Nausea and vomiting alone are not symptoms of gallbladder cancer, but when these health problems are associated with other symptoms such as upper abdominal pain and jaundice, they may be an indication of a gallbladder problem.

Feeling of flatulence
Flatulence is common and may have many causes. However, if abdominal distension is severe and accompanied by other symptoms, it may be a sign of gallbladder cancer. In this case, it is recommended to perform a thorough examination of the abdomen and check for any lumps or fluid accumulation (in advanced cases) to determine the causes of bloating.

5 - gallstones
According to the American College of the Digestive System, gallstones are a small blend in the form of a pebble consisting of bile, cholesterol and calcium, which can block the work of the gallbladder.

Although the vast majority of people with gallstones do not have gallbladder cancer, research shows that among five people with gallbladder cancer, four have gallstones.

6 - lose weight without dieting or exercise
It's normal to lose your appetite sometimes. However, if you notice prolonged loss of appetite with a marked decrease in weight, it is better to consult a doctor. Losing your desire to eat may be a symptom of gallbladder cancer.

You have a family history of people with gallbladder cancer
Family kinship may be a factor in gallbladder cancer, but the risk is small, because the disease is very rare. The American Cancer Society stressed that most cancers of the gallbladder affect people who do not have a family history of the disease. However, it is important to know that family history has an important role in influencing your health.