Since the Circa Group was founded in 2009, their work has led to more than 200 perpetrators imprisoned. In Gävleborg, for example, the Circa group was involved in the noteworthy case where a theft stole from a home of about 30 elderly people was finally sentenced to prison in the spring.

Fraud and pocket theft

Recently, the Circa Group's Gunilla Widestrand lectured on aging crimes for seniors in Bollnäs. A couple of the most common elder crimes are that one person pretends to be someone else to come into the home and steal valuables or lie to bank details over the phone. Pocket theft in places such as squares and in grocery stores is also common.

- Having the wallet in the inner pocket is safer instead of in the back pocket or purse, says Gunilla Widestrand.

Are there any other pitfalls that can be avoided?

- It's the bank account you have your card linked to. Just have the amount you need during that month on that account, says Gunilla Widestrand.

- I think it's unfortunate that you have to be so very attentive. It is a pity that you have to suspect people and such, says Britt-Inger Askefjord, who was listening to the lecture in Bollnäs.

Shame on being exposed to crime

Although the Circa group regularly stops traveling leagues, which constitute the largest group of perpetrators, there is a dark figure for the number of elderly offenses as police reports fail. This is partly because the victim does not notice that a crime has been committed and partly that the belief in the police's ability to solve the crime is small.

Gunilla Widestrand mentions another reason.

- You are ashamed and take on part of the blame, that you were exposed, that you did not understand that it was a fraud or that it was a pocket thief who ordered one. You are so ashamed that you refrain from reporting.