It was on October 1 that the pharmacy company took over the supply of consumables to the regions Dalarna, Uppsala, Västmanland, Örebro and Sörmland. It also became the origin of the chaos that affected hundreds of people who had their operations canceled. Here's what has happened so far:

This has happened

October 1: Pharmacy service takes over the supply of consumables to the regions Dalarna, Uppsala, Västmanland, Örebro and Sörmland. The deal includes, among other things, consumables at an estimated value of 50 million per 12-month period. The agreement is written in two years, with the possibility of one year's extension. Earlier, the company Mediq had had the assignment.

October 2: Hospitals already notice problems with the deliveries

October 10: Region Uppsala cancels planned operations due to material shortages. Four of the five regions are in staff position, which means that they are led by a special organization.

October 12: MSB, the authority for protection and preparedness, criticizes the regions for material shortages.

October 16: Region Västmanland cancels all planned operations at the hospitals in Västerås and Köping.

October 17: Dalarna Region announces that it will cancel planned operations due to material shortages. The stop will start on Monday 21 October.

October 18: Uppsala Region extends stop.

October 21: After a crisis meeting with the Supply Chain Committee (which was responsible for the procurement), Tomas Hilmo resigns as CEO of the pharmacy service. The Supply Chain Committee decides to seek help from other suppliers to resolve the crisis.

The situation right now

The valleys: The operations will resume on Tuesday. On Monday, 42 operations were canceled in the Dalarna Region.

Uppsala: The operations will resume on Tuesday. Up to Monday, a total of 150 surgeries have been canceled, of which at least 30 affect children.

Västmanland: Region Västmanland expects to be able to resume operations in Köping on Wednesday and in Västerås during Thursday. 40 operations were canceled during Monday.

Örebro: No new message during the day, the region is still able to provide care without interruption.

Sörmland: No new message, can continue to care without disruptions.