According to her, over the past decades, women have become a significant political and economic force, but nevertheless, their share in public administration, science and other areas is inferior to the male one. According to the Ombudsman, this is due to the fact that women spend three times as much time on homework and caring for family members.

“At the same time, many continue to work during pregnancy and after the birth of a child. In Russia, the employment rate of women aged 20–49 years with children of preschool age reaches 65.8% of all workers, ”she said.

Moskalkova called it very important to increase guarantees for expectant mothers and women with children. She expressed regret that at the moment, the time that women spend at home raising children is not counted in their seniority.

“A lot of women wrote to me on social networks that due to the abolition of nurseries and lack of places in kindergartens, they simply can’t go to work and counting the time they take care of the child in work experience would be a real salvation for them,” the Ombudsman added.

Earlier, Konstantin Ordov, head of the Department of Financial Management at Plekhanov Russian Economic University, commented on the transition from paper to electronic work books in Russia in an interview with FBA “Economics Today”.