Addressing a rally of supporters last Friday in Texas, US President Donald Trump made a serious admission of his motives to give the Turkish army a green light to cross the border into Syria and attack the Kurds.

On that occasion, Trump said - as reported by American American comedian and comedian Dean Obaidullah - that he wanted to make the two Muslim communities slaughter each other.

Obeidallah wrote in an article for the Daily Beast that Trump had told his "fan" supporters - without even giving him a human glimpse of the suffering inflicted on civilians - "sometimes you have to let them fight like two children before you pull them apart." ".

This comes after other comments last Wednesday from the US president himself when he tried hard and "ruggedly" to dispel the fears expressed by many of his hatred affects the Kurds.

Trump responded lightly that the Kurds were "not angels," and then did his best to dehumanize both sides of the conflict by declaring that the two groups had been fighting for 100 years.

"I don't exaggerate when I say that fighting and fighting is not of our nature, but a mountain of their (Muslim) mountain," he said.

Obaidullah says that Trump's remarks "shocked many, except me." He adds that the president - with those words - simply gave an update to the old concept that "kill them all and let the Lord manage." "Let the Muslims slaughter each other, and let God manage."

It was not the first time a conservative had suggested that the United States distance itself from Syria, and let Muslims there kill each other.

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Reap the fruits of fighting Muslims
In 2013, US politician Sarah Palin expressed the same concept when she criticized former President Barack Obama for revealing that he was considering sending US troops to Syria to end the war there.

Palin commented at the time that in such a situation when "both sides chant that God is great, then we have to let God manage."

According to Obeidallah, the view that America should stay away from Syria and reap the benefits of Muslim fighting among them is more intelligently expressed by Daniel Pipes, a right-wing scholar known for his blind fanaticism against Muslims.

In 2017, Pipes wrote an article in the National Review criticizing Trump's military strike against President Bashar al-Assad's regime in Syria as a punishment for using chemical weapons against civilians, killing more than 80 people.

"I see this military action as wrong," Pipes wrote. "Nothing in the US Constitution requires US forces to fight in all the wars around the world." "We must refrain from participating in this war and let the enemies of the United States fight each other to the point of exhaustion."

According to Obeid-Allah's last words, Pipes' words only mean "let Muslims kill each other". That's exactly what Trump did when he gave Turkey the green light to launch a military operation in Syria, according to the author.

Trump's defense of his decision to abandon the Kurds revealed that his heart was devoid of any sympathy for them, even Muslims as human beings, he said, noting that it is not surprising then that the US president would reduce the number of Muslim immigrants allowed to enter his country to a large extent.

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Priority for Christians
The number of Muslims who have been granted permission to enter America has fallen from about 40,000 in 2016 to just 4,900 in fiscal year 2019, Obeidallah said.

In keeping with a promise made in the first week of his presidency, Trump has given priority to Christians over Muslims in terms of the percentage of immigrants the United States receives.

The 2016 split between Muslim and Christian immigrants was almost equal, at 46% for Muslims, but in 2019 the balance was heavily tilted in favor of Christians by up to 80% of all immigrants.

Obaidullah said that these statistics help to understand why Trump had undermined the reputation of the Kurds with his lies ranging from being described as "not angels," to the press that the Kurds "did not help us in World War II, they did not help us in Normandy" . In reference to the landing operation carried out by the Allied forces landing its forces on the shores of Normandy in northern France, which was the beginning of the countdown to the Second World War.

In fact, the Kurds did not have a state of their own, and are still without it today. In his opinion, Trump's statement was a clear attempt to persuade some Americans not to care about the Kurds if Turkish troops kill civilians.

Medieval vision
"Whoever wants to help Syria protect the Kurds is good for me, be it Russia, China or Napoleon Bonaparte. I hope they all do well, we are seven thousand miles away," Trump wrote in a tweet on Monday.

Obeidallah comments that 7,000 miles is no excuse not to be indifferent to a worsening humanitarian crisis, which Trump bears moral responsibility for, while he has not seen a problem lately sending about 2,000 US troops to Saudi Arabia, further away from Syria.

The Daily Beast article concludes that Trump and others on the right wing are simply watching the Muslims kill each other, and calling on God to manage, a disgusting attitude.

The writer ended his article by expressing regret that Trump had given current US policy a medieval vision.