All mothers want to do the best for their children, but they can't always do it, especially if they don't think about how to raise their children daily. Being neglected or indifferent can have serious consequences for a child's physical and emotional development.

Trashed mothers and even neglected parents can be the cause of poor upbringing of their children without realizing it. In a report published in the journal Piqué Padres, Maria José Roldan Prieto explained that many of the bad behaviors of children are linked to the bad practices of parents while raising their children.

A neglected mother can cause some very harmful effects on a child's life. Accordingly, we will highlight some signs that may indicate a mother's neglect.

Active mothers take care of their child's emotional needs, provide care and set aside time (Getty Images)

Lack of interest or absence:
If a mother shows little or no concern for the well-being of her children, she may be neglected and unsuitable for raising children in general. This is often associated with a lack of assistance or support necessary to raise a child.

No signs of care:
Active mothers take care of their children's emotional needs, caring for them by giving them good words, encouragement, active enjoyment, kisses and hugs and devoting time to them.

These things can nourish the child and provide him with positive and healthy self-confidence, as well as the necessary confidence that helps him to grow in life. Conversely, if a mother does not offer any of these things, her child may be at risk of losing his self-confidence and relevance in the world.

Ill-treatment of the child by shouting and ignoring may lead to serious psychological effects associated with life (Getty Images)

Emotional abuse:
Poor emotional treatment can be painful and can lead to life-long serious psychological effects. For example, some mothers threatened, shouted, insulted, insulted and ignored as a form of punishment against their child, as well as comparing it negatively to others.

Fight to provide a safe environment:
To be a good mother, it is important to provide your child with a safe, stable and healthy environment. In this context, quarreling with other people in front of the child, whether with the husband, other family members or friends, is a sign of neglect and indifference of the mother.

Thus, the child's exposure to an unstable and violent atmosphere in which fear can be instilled from an early age, makes him believe that this way of living is acceptable.

If a child does not take good care of his cleanliness, his mother may be indifferent.

Lack of hygiene:
A child may have an indifferent mother, if he or she does not take good care of his or her hygiene and no one guides or helps. In general, proper hygiene includes bathing and cleaning teeth regularly, along with the need to keep hair clean and wear washed clothes and clean.

Unstable environment:
If the child always lives in a terrifying and unstable environment, where he must not make any mistakes for fear of his mother's anger, the mother in this case is not appropriate and does not care about her role as a mother. This indicates a lack of clear rules and grounds for understanding at home.

Finally, people are not born knowledgeable about the function of parents. On many occasions, additional assistance from professionals may be the best solution to solve family problems of this type.