• Count: cancel or reduce commissions on digital payments


October 18, 2019 "Without the vote of the 5 Star MoVement, in fact, you are not going anywhere" and "therefore, delivered the opportune reassurances to Europe, we now consider opportune the convocation of a majority summit to work to the agreements that still do not there are "on the measures of the maneuver. It is the warning launched by the M5s with a long post on the Star Blog.

On the merits, the M5s defends the flat tax for VAT games under 65 thousand euros, because it is right to cut the tax wedge but "what is the point in doing it, giving 40 or 50 euros more per month in salary to employees, if are we going to take the money from the VAT numbers that break their backs day and night, without a guarantee from the State, without an insured day of illness, without a welfare system that supports them? "

And therefore "if resources were to be lacking, given that we cannot recover by raising taxes on VAT numbers, we are ready to put ourselves at the table and propose new coverages, such as higher revenue from motorway concessionaires who raise us every year toll booth rates, perhaps without even doing adequate maintenance, and moreover with contracts and returns that do not exist anywhere else in the world ".

Another crucial point, the fight against tax evasion: "For the 5-Star MoVement you must do well, by hitting the big fish, inserting for them the prison, the confiscation of what they took from the State". Therefore, this is the message that "we address the millions of VAT numbers, traders and professionals who work every day: The 5-Star Movement will not allow the useless media target of the fight against evasion to be yours again". Criticisms also on the limit to cash and encouragement for electronic payments.