On Tuesday, three people were arrested, suspected of being involved in the case. The prosecutor wanted to arrest two men for murder, but instead they were arrested for gross protection of criminals and crimes against grievance.

Does that mean any killer will go loose?

- It could be so.

How do you see that two people were not arrested for your main occupation - that is, murder?

- I thought there were probable grounds for murder, but with the evidence, I understand the decision, which was also my alternative claim.

Do people blame each other?

- I cannot go into what they have said in interrogation more than all three deny crimes.

Have they arrested any connection to each other?

- I can't go into that.

Have you been able to confirm the murder scene?

- No. The murder scene has not been determined, but police work is underway where we look at interesting places.

Who is the victim?

- A man in his 20s, his relatives are informed, but I can't say where he is from.

What other evidence is there in the case?

- It is early in an investigation that is going to grow, which means it can show up new people who need to be heard and can be suspected. The fact that we are restrictive with details means that we do not want them to be reached by any information.

How does the investigation proceed?

- Through continued interrogations and police work.

In the clip above you can hear Prosecutor Therese Stensson.