It began as a pilot project in Kronoberg County a few years ago and since the turn of the year it is part of the national child health care program. The call to the other parent should be offered just over three to five months after the baby is born.

Then questions are asked about how the person is feeling, the parenting, the relationship with the child and it should also be picked up if more help is needed, and whether referral to a psychologist on family health should be given.

- We have received some referrals and will follow up during the year how many there are. And also how many people accept this call at the childcare center, whether it leads to extra support at BVC or if there is a referral to a psychologist with us, says Amanda Wikerstål, a psychologist at family health.

Has been well received

According to the first evaluations from the county's childcare centers, the conversation is well received by the non-birth parent. Amanda Wikerstål says that through the conversation at BVC, it emerges if, for example, the parent already has contact with adult psychiatry, or if there are relationship problems. All to then be able to support the parents.

- It can be important to know for the sake of the child so that one can give guidance and advice, says Amanda Wikerstål.

It has long been a problem that there were no methods for how a conversation with the father, or the non-birth parent, should go, but which has now been worked out.

See more about it in the clip above.

CONTACT US: Are you a father or the non-birth parent and have had such a conversation? Or would you like it? What do you think about this? Contact us at