• Crac Banca Etruria: 4 sentences of 10 months in prison and 9 acquittals
  • Banca Etruria, crash process: 5-year sentence for Fornasari and Bronchi


16 October 2019 Archiving for five former top managers of the Banca Etruria accused of fraudulent bankruptcy for the failed merger with Popolare di Vicenza, then chaired by Gianni Zonin.

Fabio Lombardo, the last president of Bpel before commissioner Lorenzo Rosi, ex vice presidents Pier Luigi Boschi (father of former minister Maria Elena), former vice president Alfredo Berni were acquitted by the magistrate of the court of Arezzo. , former president Giuseppe Fornasari and former general manager Luca Bronchi.

For all the investigating magistrate Fabio Lombardo has signed, as is announced today the news from Arezzo of "La Nazione", last September 12th the decree of dismissal that was requested by the pool of prosecutors of Arezzo, led by the chief prosecutor Roberto Rossi, which investigates the various branches of the Banca Etruria bankruptcy. At least on the failure to reach an agreement with the Venetian institute, it will not go to trial.

Boschi's father, in his capacity as first councilor and then as last vice-president of Bpel, was reached in recent months by the notice of closure of simple bankruptcy investigations for gold consultancy and by the decision of another investigating judge, Piergiorgio Ponticelli , to take a pause for reflection before filing, as suggested by the prosecutor's office, the question of the liquidation of the former DG Bronchi.

The liquidator of Banca Etruria, Giuseppe Santoni, accuses the former 5 leaders of having failed the agreement and asks them 212 million of damages in the civil action of responsibility before the court of Rome, the equivalent of what Vicenza would have paid if l Opa on Etruria had gone into port.

Rosi, Berni and Boschi have always maintained (more on the Fornasari and Bronchi points) that they were not the ones to blow up the deal and that in any case no advantage would have come to Bpel, given the dramatic financial conditions (but at the time still they didn't know each other) of the People's Republic of Veneto, then put into compulsory liquidation.

The investigating magistrate Lombardo writes that from the acts that "were transmitted, in fact, it appears that the failed trade agreement - incidentally the only one that in the contested period said it was available to a merger with Bpel - due to the state of crisis in which both the credit institutions paid, is not suitable in itself to consider the hypothesized crimes integrated ".