Last Saturday in Mayenne, four refugees, including two Guinean asylum seekers, rescued a man drowning. The associations claim their regularization.


It was a rescue in extremis. Saturday late afternoon, two young Guineans, arrived in France a few months ago, walk to Mayenne when they see a man stumble and fall into the river. The 51-year-old sinks into the cold water and seems already inert when one of the two asylum seekers, Aboubakar, dives. "He was dying," the young man tells Europe 1. "We ran directly, we wanted to save him."

Refugees must go to four to get the miracle of the water. The fifties then is in absolute urgency but now safe and secure, largely thanks to the entire band of Aboubakar.

"Show another facet of migrants"

This act of courage, associations want to see him rewarded. "It also shows another facet of migrants, they showed that they were also very concerned about their neighbor, they did not know," says Jean-Pierre Le Bonhomme, the local leader of social action , who calls for a thorough examination of the asylum claim of the two saviors. "It would be a way of rewarding, in any case to take into consideration their asylum situation and perhaps to study it a little more pointed."

Of course, the case, which is reminiscent of the heroic act of Mamoudou Gassama, an undocumented Malian had obtained French nationality after rescuing a child suspended in the vacuum - gave rise to the hope of regularization. The prefecture of Mayenne could in any case study the record of the two young Guineans in the coming days.