"This is because the composition of the vaccine has been changed," says Jens Raffelsberger, a hygienic consultant at Region Östergötland, adding that it is simply a delayed decision by WHO, as two vaccine strains have mutated and needed to be replaced.

Aim to reach 65 percent

The goal in the Östergötland region is for 65 percent of those over the age of 65 to vaccinate. Last year, the region reached up to 62 percent. In addition to this group, people with impaired immune systems, chronic diseases and pregnant women after pregnancy week 16 should be vaccinated.

Many fell ill early

In the southern hemisphere, which is first out with epidemics, it has been seen that many people got sick early and it was mainly older people who were affected by the flu of the year.

If now the season was early and the vaccination is delayed, do you not see an increased risk of more people getting sick?

- We usually see most cases around week 6, and 7, then you usually have a small peak below 52, ​​so we still vaccinate well in advance, says Jens Raffelsberger.

For those who do not vaccinate, do you have any tips on how to protect yourself?

- Avoid close contact with sick people, wash your hands frequently and thoroughly with soap and water. Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth. Those who are sick should stay home from school or work as long as they have a fever or feel sick, Jens Raffelsberger.