- The interest in hunting is very great. This is the highlight of the year and many are coming back to Dalarna again just for the elk hunt, says Filip Ånöstam, who is a hunting consultant at the Jägareförbundet in Dalarna.

- In places in the eastern and southern parts where it is still warm in September, the hunters usually wait until this week in October.

The elk hunt will take place in a total of 16 moose management areas in Dalarna. The goal is for 7,244 moose to be felled in Dalarna until the hunt ends last January.

Worry about the wolf

The interest in the elk hunt itself has not diminished, according to him. But on the other hand, he feels that there is a concern with some hunters around the predators in the forest.

- There are always problems with wolves that can reduce interest, you are afraid that dogs can be taken. Then there is also knowledge about where some wolves are somewhere that makes you even more cautious in dog use, however there are greater risks in the areas where there are wolves that you do not know, then the risk of dog being attacked increases.

Easier to attract younger hunters

What is the interest among younger hunters?

- I find it easier and easier in general, if you compare with earlier. However, more people are attracted by hunting when a lot happens, he says and gives the wild boar hunt as an example.

Are you looking for moose hunting? Feel free to take a picture where you are and email us at dalarna@svt.se!