Al Jazeera Net - Special

Iraqi activists Sara Taleb and her husband Hussein Adel could not achieve their dreams of getting a job to change their living conditions, preceded by ten bullets wanted by the dead after returning from a peaceful demonstration in the southern city of Basra earlier this month.

Sara, a 24-year-old civilian activist, emerged during the demonstrations in Basra last year by providing first aid to the wounded before joining the ranks of the protest movement and leading women's marches in her.

The appearance of Sarah and her husband Hussein Adel, who is known for his active participation in the demonstrations, has been pursued by gunmen from influential factions in Basra, and threatened with liquidation, according to Saif Ghanem, a close friend.

In # Basra
Activists are calling for a demonstration tomorrow in various regions
To hold those responsible for the killing of activist Hussein Adel and activist Sarah Taleb

- The Basrah 𝐁𝐀𝐒𝐑𝐀 (@ only4Basra) October 10, 2019

Threats and prosecutions
"Sarah and Adel have been subjected to death threats since last year and had to leave Basra and travel to Erbil, but they did not feel safe there. They traveled to Turkey, where they settled for about a month and because of their financial conditions, they returned to Iraq," Ghanem said.

"After their return to Basra, they live in their residence, but the threats remained, so they traveled to Iran and they did not stay much until they returned to Basra."

Sara had a great deal of knowledge, although she stumbled to complete her school career, but since her childhood she was fond of reading literary novels and intellectual books, while her husband Hussein Adel - whom she has been associated with for nearly three years - devotes to cartoons.

Activists Sara and Hussein did not think that their participation in the demonstrations and their demand to improve the situation of the country will be the price of their lives, as Saif, who last saw them during their participation in a civilian demonstration in central Basra on October 2, is believed to be the last stop after they stormed their apartment in The same night, six gunmen killed Hussein with seven bullets and took the life of Sarah, who was three months pregnant with three bullets.

The city of Basra woke up to a horrendous crime against the activists Hussein Adel and his wife Sara.
According to media sources that "Hussein Adel and his wife Sarah were seen last time they are helping the injured due to tear gas #nazel_ak_haqy

- Dr. Ali al-jabri (@alialjabiri) October 3, 2019

Organized assassinations
Firas al-Tamimi, a civil activist who participated in the recent demonstrations, finds that "the assassination of Sarah and Hussein exposes the authority of the ruling parties in the presence of parties whose task is to identify the personalities who reject this reality and influential in the Iraqi street to liquidate them and get rid of them."

"There have been cases of organized assassinations targeting civilian activists," he said.

Despite the silence of the local government and the security services in Basra about the killing of Sarah Taleb and Hussein Adel, civil activists who organized last Saturday, "a pause of silence" on the lives of the deceased to form an investigation committee to expose the perpetrators and bring them to justice, as mentioned civil activist and media Montazer Karakoshi, who confirms that "Sarah Hussein will be a nuisance to the power in every vigil Basra. "

Sara and Hussein did not have a home when they were alive, but at the end of the journey they had a grave that they gathered with their embryo at the Wadi al-Salam cemetery in the southern city of Najaf.