10 million people who wish for a world without nuclear weapons submitted to the United Nations

Over 10 million signatures gathered at the call of survivors wishing for a world free of nuclear weapons were delivered to the United Nations Disarmament Commission, and representatives of survivors who handed over the signature appealed for cooperation toward the early entry into force of the Nuclear Weapons Convention It was.

Signing activities started three years ago with the call for the “Hibakusha International Signature”, an organization created by Hiroshima and Nagasaki A-bomb survivors. Handed over an inventory of 105,7872, signatures to Chairman Yorenti of the Disarmament Committee.

Mr. Fujimori said, “We will continue to work hard to put the nuclear weapons ban treaty into force,” and appealed for cooperation toward the early entry into force of the treaty. In response, Chairman Yorenti paid tribute to the activities of the survivors after visiting Hiroshima and introducing their experiences of hearing the testimonies of the survivors directly.

The UN Secretary-General Nakamizumi, who attended the meeting, said, “I would like to do my best with the support and energy of the A-bomb survivors.” .

Mr. Fujimori told reporters, “The signature of 10 million was received from people around the world as well as Japan, and there is no doubt that the movement to create a world without nuclear weapons is spreading”.