This year's salon is not jury-judged, but the members of Värmland's artists' association have been invited to contribute with works of their choice.

"Many people have taken care when you know you are coming in, and thought a little bigger," says Johan Magnusson, acting acting curator at Värmlands Museum.

- It makes the desire to participate has been greater.

- It will be a big appliance with so many works and a puzzle to put, but a fun puzzle.

As in the 19th century

When so many works of art are to be placed, it means that the hanging will not be as elegant, but it will be like an old-fashioned salon hanging, as was the case in the 19th century. High ceilings and low near the floor, says Johan Magnusson.

- It becomes a rather unpretentious atmosphere, permitting.

The poster for this year's autumn salon has been made by Gerd Göran. She is an annual child with the Artists' Association's autumn salon and has turned 100 this year.

Unique to this year's anniversary salon is that the collection of Warmland artists' self portraits is also on display. Every year, an artist is invited to do a self-portrait and now all the originals are exhibited in a separate exhibition in connection with the autumn salon. There will be warm art history on the wall in the museum's Cyrillus house.