“The creation of a safe zone and a peaceful corridor is necessary to ensure the security of the Syrians, this will contribute to the stability and tranquility of our region,” the military department said.

Bölgemizin istikrar ve huzuruna katkı sağlayarak Suriyelilerin güvenli bir yaşama kavuşabilmesi için Güvenli Bölge / Barış koridoru kurulması zaruridir. TSK, sınırlarımızda terör koridoru oluşturulmasına asla müsamaha göstermeyecektir. Harekât için tüm hazırlıklar tamamlanmıştır. pic.twitter.com/2tKfNUwnvf

- TC Millî Savunma Bakanlığı (@tcsavunma) October 7, 2019

It is noted that the General Staff of the Turkish Armed Forces "will never allow the creation of a terrorist corridor on the borders" of Turkey.

“Preparation for the operation is completed,” the Ministry of Defense emphasized.

Earlier, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said that Ankara’s military operation in northeastern Syria is a temporary measure.

In turn, US President Donald Trump said he warned Turkey about the inadmissibility of striking at US troops or US allies in Syria.