From Monday, October 7, 2019, you can no longer stand in the housing company housing queue until the year you turn 16. Previously, some parents have placed their children in the queue from birth, to secure a home when they get older.

- We are convinced that the change will lead to a more up-to-date queue with those who are really looking for housing. Furthermore, a large proportion of young people lack queue time from an early age and have not had the same conditions to get a first living as those whose parents put them in line, says Housing Manager Jerker Eriksson in a press release.

Already registered may retain queue time

But those who are already in line today may keep their queue time, even if they are under 16 years of age.

The residence has recently chosen to earmark 400 apartments for young people between the ages of 18 and 25 and it is hoped that the change of age limit will also benefit young people.

SVT has repeatedly pointed out the housing problem for students in Umeå - a recurring problem in the city.