How would you summarize the definition of healthy life? Have a good diet, avoid a sedentary lifestyle and read my book, which gives very generic advice. Why is there a need to deny so many health-related hoaxes? Because we live in the society of information and you can't run away from it, because it rings on your mobile. We are very exposed with very little filter, and that is why information without a scientific basis is sneaked in. One thing is that they tell you that a UFO or a ghost has been seen, which has no more significance, and another thing that tells you that there is an infallible remedy for a serious illness. There are people vulnerable to this type of information and thousands die every year from leaving medicine and going to pseudo-therapeutic remedies. This book is a reference manual so that people can quickly and clearly check if any information or myth that has come to them has some truth. Is common sense not enough? The problem is that what a person can do seem common sense, not another. An example is homeopathy. When they tell you that the more diluted the more it works, common sense can tell you that it is nonsense, but then you see that it is in the pharmacy or that there are medical schools that have a homeopathy section. Then you may think that it has some truth. And he doesn't have it. Is it dangerous to doubt science or medicine so much? Science is not a matter of belief or doubt, it is a matter of demonstration. Things are like that not because someone says so, but because there are experiments that prove it. Another thing is that people may have doubts about the scientific method and say 'now one thing is said and before another.' But then we knew that and now we know much more or we have material to interpret it better. These kinds of things make people doubt or interpret themselves in an interested way. For example, when you tell them that homeopathy has no scientific basis and add that the same at some point comes to be demonstrated. No, that is not like that. You can only say what is demonstrated, not infer what you are going to show because that moment never comes, but the discoverer of AIDS and Nobel laureate Luc Montagnier says that the scientific basis of homeopathy is ignored ... Yes The second Nobel Prize shows it. What harm do biased or part-done scientific studies do? Luckily, they are increasingly controlled. I wish all funding was public, but that will never happen. I don't think it's bad that there is private financing, as long as it is transparent and we know who has paid what. If the study follows the scientific method so that anyone can reproduce the data with sufficient controls, the results can be perfectly valid. How can the consumer distinguish an interested study? When drawing very grandiloquent conclusions with a very small study population or speaks wonders of a drug or a food product but forgets other very obvious things. For example, when it is said that beer or wine is healthy it is not said that alcohol is a carcinogenic molecule and a substance of abuse. Let's talk about vaccines and the regrowth of diseases ... It is pure mathematical: if the rate of vaccination, the disease goes up. In people my age, a measles can be almost like a cold, but it is a very serious illness if you are not vaccinated. If you do not vaccinate children and meetings, because these fashions are usually associated with a social class or with certain educational centers, etc., you are facing a time bomb. Should we force vaccinations? I think so. The current law protects pets more, you have an obligation to vaccinate them, than children. It is true that doctors believe that obligations cause rejection, but should be encouraged and penalized. And how is it penalized? Unvaccinated children should not be admitted to a public school, for example. In the age of communication, how do healers survive? They have always existed and will never disappear. They use emotional blackmail very well. If you are bald and they tell you that there is something that will make your hair grow, you will buy it. As long as there is someone willing to believe and someone willing to take advantage of this belief, it will always happen and they will adapt to their time. Is it still soft with the so-called alternative medicine? It has tightened a little these years. The list of the Ministry of therapies without scientific basis is a big step. But more decision is needed by medical colleges. The Collegiate Medical Organization has set up the Pseudotherapies Observatory, but in turn there are many medical or nursing schools that host these events and give them a likelihood patina that they don't have. What if someone believes they are doing well? They are free. The problem is that a professional with a code of ethics cannot say that something has a validity that it does not have. If a man or lady with a mild illness comes and, as he gets angry if you don't give him anything, he will prescribe homeopathy pills to make him happy, what will you tell him when he comes back with a cancer and tells you he wants to heal with those pills ? Do you tell him it was a lie, that you had cheated on him? Giving credibility to something that doesn't have it always has a risk. Do we dump too much health data on internet search engines looking for answers? Will it take our toll in the future? It is already happening to us and it is a very big problem for which there is no legislation. We have had cases even before internet, of files of public hospitals that have ended up in the hands of private insurers. A simple case is the doctor who works on the public network and says there are things he does in his private clinic. That is a use of data. It is a real danger that our medical data are so public and that this limits us to take out insurance or to access a job. It’s going to be problematic. How much do they fool us with products and fashions? They try it on all sides. Starting by entering a pharmacy and seeing homeopathy. Companies want to sell, and if they know that the public does not want, for example, parabens, they place it very large on the label. Fear is a very powerful marketing tool and companies take advantage of it. I recommend that when someone buys something, they look at the composition.

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  • Science and Health

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