While the debate on immigration opens Monday, Wendy Bouchard receives Pierre Henry, director of France land of asylum. He calls on the President of the Republic to "sit down at the table with all the actors of this issue, local authorities and associations".

The debate on immigration in the National Assembly opens Monday. "For a while, we have the right to noise, to fury, to buzz, to proposals as far-fetched as they are extreme, but I am not sure that this really informs the country on a subject that is very complex and deserves a calm debate ", remarks at the microphone of Europe 1 Pierre Henry, director of France land of asylum.

With Emmaus, the Federation of Solidarity Associations, the Social Samu and the Salvation Army, France Land of Asylum calls for a "consensus conference". "If Emmanuel Macron wants to fight against the far right, it's not all alone," says Pierre Henry. "We have to sit down at the table with all the actors of this issue, local authorities and associations." So he wants to "put away the approximations and fake news".

>> READ ALSO: EXCLUSIVE - Emmanuel Macron on immigration: "Today, we are at once inhuman and ineffective"

"We have a particularity in this country is to stack the laws"

Pierre Henry emphasizes in particular the multiplication of laws and the lack of feedback on the various measures. "We have a peculiarity in this country is to stack the laws: since 1981, there have been 16 laws, one every 26 months," he laments. "The problem is that we do not evaluate the effects of the previous law before we make a new one, the last law is barely a year old, so if we want to establish a strategy, we can not do it alone. "

Pierre Henry returns in particular on the figures that have been widely distributed by the opposition on the right, and recently by the LR deputy Nice Eric Ciotti, according to which 400,000 foreigners would have arrived in France last year. "I do not know where Eric Ciotti went to get these numbers," he retorted.

>> READ ALSO: "Immigration is no longer the issue that preoccupies the most French," according to the demographer Hervé Le Bras

"Almost 250,000 people entered the country on a regular basis last year, including 90,000 international students, 50,000 citizens who married a French resident and 15,000 people who came to France thanks to family reunification. in this calculation. "