• Russiagate, Manafort sentenced to 3 years and 11 months
  • Russiagate, judge accuses Manafort: "Lied to Fbi"


March 13, 2019The former campaign leader of Donald Trump, Paul Manafort, was sentenced to another 43 months in prison on charges by prosecutor Robert Mueller, including conspiracy.

Last week he was sentenced to 3 years and 11 months for tax and banking fraud.

The charge of mortgage fraud in Manhattan
Later, a new tile on Manafort. After being sentenced to a total of seven and a half years by two Washington judges, now even a Manhattan judge has issued as many as 16 charges against him. Among the alleged crimes, that of fraud in the field of mortgage loans against the state of New York. If he is convicted, Manafort should therefore serve his term even if the American president grants him a pardon for federal crimes.