This online platform was launched to allow the French to express their opinion and their questions.

An online platform, which will allow French people to express their views on pension reform, was opened on Thursday, High Commissioner Jean-Paul Delevoye announced in a statement. It was inaugurated when President Emmanuel Macron launched the first public debate on the subject in Rodez (Aveyron),

Platform, debates and local meetings

The platform is part of the citizen consultation mechanism on pensions, which should run until December in parallel with discussions with the social partners. In addition to the platform, the consultation is based on regional debates - including that of Rodez - and local information meetings.

The site proposes a quick questionnaire (approximately 5 minutes) "to express itself on the priorities and proposed solutions for the future universal system", a module presenting the main recommendations of the High Commissioner and allowing everyone to submit an opinion ( about 10 minutes) and a module to ask a question (2 or 3 minutes).

Restitution early 2020

Each week, Jean-Paul Delevoye will answer the 5 most supported questions. A video describing the new system, a timetable for the reform, access to the Delevoye report and two speeches by High Commissioner and Health Minister Agnès Buzyn complete the information.

The entire consultation process should lead to a return in early 2020, before the drafting of the bill for a universal point-of-retirement system that is to be adopted next summer in parliament.