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Laser discoveries and cosmetic benefits began to spread in the late 1990s, culminating in the current decade when laser hair removal became a luxury wedding preparation for girls, but with all this passion for laser hair removal has not been researched or knowledge about what to deal with before and after Removal.

There are non-current laser information that you should know before taking this procedure:

1- Exercise
Skin irritation is common during exposure to laser pulses, so completely avoid exercise within the first 24 hours after hair removal, as physiological changes that occur in the human body during exercise may contribute to the most common side effects of hair removal.

According to the site "The Healthy", with exercise increases the temperature of the skin, in addition to sweating the body, which provides a favorable climate for the growth of bacteria and fungi, which in turn may cause severe inflammation of the hair follicles, and during the treatment of this painful inflammation may cause Irritation, leaving behind scars that are difficult to treat later.

Avoid exercise during the first 24 hours after hair removal (Deutsche Welle)

2- Saunas
Avoid sauna and steam baths for two days after laser, even a normal hot bath or lying in a bathtub filled with warm or hot water.This also exposes you to severe inflammation of the hair follicles.In addition to being a fertile environment for the growth of bacteria and fungi, the warm environment increases irritation It may cause some burns and inflammation, which leads to severe pain, and of course deep scars that are difficult to get rid of later, according to a report of the Cosmopolitan website.

3- Skin care routine
It is also advised to stay away from skin peeling and cosmetics within the first 24 hours after laser hair removal, because some cosmetics contain minerals that may react with slight skin irritation, and cause severe skin infections, while peeling whether fruit acids, crystal or chemical; Advanced cosmetics in the UK should stop it for at least 10 days before using the laser, and advised to stop it two days after the laser or until the skin is completely normal.

It is advised to stay away from skin peeling and cosmetics a day after laser hair removal (Deutsche Welle)

4 - the sun
If you plan to take this step by the beginning of summer, make sure that the laser treatment areas are not exposed to direct sunlight.

The website of "Hollywood dermatologists" warned of the exposure of laser-treated skin to direct sunlight, to avoid exposure to burns and pigment stains that are difficult to treat, and therefore the best date for laser hair removal is with the beginning of autumn instead of summer, to avoid the sun and its effects on the Laser treated skin.

5- Tanning
Some women resort to tanning, whether sunbathing or chemical tanning products, and you cannot tan before or after planning laser hair removal.

The laser treatment clinic in Australia warned that the laser pulses can not work on the abnormal color of the skin, and laser hair removal technology depends on several axes;

Tanning may confuse laser waves and expose the skin to burns or skin pigmentation.After the procedure, no direct exposure to tanning through the sun or tanning tubes or even a false tan with creams and chemicals is possible because it will expose the body to patches of pigmentation of varying degrees and abnormal. .

6 - Tattoos
Insisting on treating a previously tattooed area may expose you to burning, as well as the possibility of severe pallor of the skin that is very similar to vitiligo.

Laser hair removal from a tattooed area may expose you to burning (German)

Many caveats must be considered before planning laser hair removal. Even planning for childbearing should be taken into consideration. The American Pregnancy Society has pointed out that there are no clinical studies linking laser hair removal to fetal health.