“According to our calculations, 230 (rubles for 0.5 liters. - RT ) will be enough. We will offer 230 rubles, the decision will be up to Anton Siluanov, ”TASS quoted him as saying.

Sazanov also said that an increase in the price of vodka can be expected in 2020.

In addition, the Ministry of Finance is considering increasing the price of cognac from 388 rubles to 420-430 rubles per 0.5-liter bottle.

In February, Deputy Finance Minister Ilya Trunin did not rule out the possibility that minimum retail prices for weak alcohol could be introduced in Russia.

In 2018, the Ministry of Finance made a proposal to increase the minimum retail price for vodka in 2019.

Then it was proposed to increase the cost from 205 to 215 rubles per half liter for products with a strength of 37 to 40 degrees.