South Korea Choho's family misconduct alleged infringement relatives prosecution wife also interviewed on October 4 6:21

The prosecutor indicted Cho ’s relatives over the alleged misconduct of Cho Guk ’s family, the aide of South Korean President Moon Jae-in. The law minister's wife has also been interviewed, and a large-scale rally for resignation is held in Seoul.

According to the Korean media, it was Cho Bum-dong, defendant, who was charged with the law minister Cho Juk.

Defendant Cho Bum-dong is regarded as the central figure in the company that manages the funds of Cho's wife, and the prosecution has been in the process of receiving orders for many public works. I'm investigating.

Defendant Cho Bum-dong is charged with crimes involving embezzling corporate funds or concealing evidence in conspiracy with an investee.

The prosecution seems to have confirmed the flow of funds and other matters from the wife of Cho Ho on March 3.

In a series of suspicions, the focus was on whether Cho Ho himself was involved, public broadcast KBS says, “The investigation into Cho Ho is inevitable, but the prosecution is unable to decide when and how.” .

Cho is in a position to proceed with the prosecution reform aimed by President Moon Jae-in, but on the 3rd, a large-scale meeting was held in Seoul, demanding the resignation of the law, and Cho was in a more severe situation Being driven