For almost twenty years, people have believed in the promises of making big money in a deal they knew nothing about. According to the Assignment Review compilation, this is a total of more than SEK 100 million.

Here are some of those who went into the so-called deal after the banker Kurt's promises:

Jan got in touch with Kurt through an old acquaintance. On 43 occasions, he transferred money before retiring. Today he tells Assignment Review that he is ashamed for believing in the promises.

The "entrepreneur" went in with over SEK 4 million. His wife says that all his assets went to the so-called business. When he died more than ten years ago, he was indebted.

Stefan Lybeck invested SEK 75,000 of his savings. He trusted Kurt - who had been his banker before.

The promises from Kurt continue to come to this day, but none of the Assignment Review has been in contact with has received any money back. Kurt states for Assignment Review that he did not make any money on the "deal," and that all those he has been in contact with will get back the money they invested when it locks.

Here you can read a longer article about the case.

The report "Banker's promises" will be sent on Wednesday, October 2 in SVT1 8 pm.