Protecting pregnant women confined in Nigeria “Baby Factory” or October 1 at 16:19

In Nigeria, West Africa, 19 pregnant women and 4 infants were protected, and local police arrested two women who had been imprisoned for suspicion of a “baby factory” for human trafficking. I am urgently trying to understand the actual situation.

According to the Nigerian police, in Lagos, the largest city, on January 30th, 19 pregnant women aged 15 to 28 and four infants were confined.

Women are told by the police that they have a job, and when they go to Lagos from the region, they are confiscated for mobile phones, forced to have sexual relations with multiple men, and become born. It is said that it was sold for 10,000 to 150,000 yen.

The police suspected that the place where women were confined was a “baby factory” for the purpose of human trafficking.

While Nigeria's economic growth is rapidly progressing against the backdrop of oil and other resources, the gap between rich and poor is widening, and it has been reported that women with unwanted pregnancy sell children born through the black market.