China celebrates Tuesday the 70th anniversary of the proclamation of the People's Republic. "Nothing can shake the nation," said President Xi Jinping. A clear message for Hong Kong protesters.


China staged a show of force on Tuesday, with a record military parade marking the 70th anniversary of the communist regime, challenged in Hong Kong by pro-democracy protesters who promised to spoil the party. Vincent Hervouêt, our specialist in international relations, decrypts the importance of this moment.

15,000 soldiers is four times more than a July 14th. When they parade at the foot of the goose, it resonates to the end of the earth. It takes guts. It's done for that. With 100,000 civilians singing to the glory of the party and hundreds of thousands of others with red armbands watching around, it is the people in arms and the omnipotent party.

China is approaching USSR record

But the Nazis were doing better. And the marvelous parades of the Red Army did not stop the wall from falling.

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The Soviet Union collapsed after 74 years. Popular China is nearing the record. Nobody dares to say to the Communists that 70 years is a good age for retirement.

The world admires the prototype of the magnetic levitation TGV that ringsardise ours at 600 km / h and says that we should not denigrate a country that is at the forefront of research in quantum physics, generic biology, 5G to nanotechnology. In Tiananmen Square, the big winner of globalization is showing off. Among the guest stars, the Hong Kong policeman who unsheathed his gun against the protesters. A Bolshevik hero, a model. China becomes a totalitarian country again. If we look for democracies with strong leaders to stand up to him, we only find Donald Trump. And the people of Hong Kong who take all the risks.