Algerian army chief of staff Lieutenant General Ahmed Kayed Saleh has denied that the army leadership has a candidate in the presidential race scheduled for December 12, vowing not to recommend any figure, while the Movement of Society for Peace decided to refrain from submitting a candidate.

In a speech to military leaders during a visit to the second military zone (northwest) on Sunday, Qaid Saleh told reporters, "Among the propaganda promoted by the gang and its (unspecified) tails that must be fought and addressed, are those that are trying to promote that the National People's Army One of the candidates for the next presidencies, "considering it propaganda to confuse this national merit.

The chief of staff that the people who will recommend the next president through the Fund, and continued that "the National People's Army does not recommend anyone, and this promise I pledge to God and the country and history."

Activists circulated on social networking sites recently that former Prime Minister Abdelmajid Taboun, who announced his candidacy for the presidency, is the candidate of the military establishment, and also said that the regime of outgoing President Abdelaziz Bouteflika will return through a presidential candidate supported by former loyalist parties.

Kaid Saleh called on the media sector to be honest in keeping with the events and to be objective, and always make Algeria's best interest above all other considerations.

The team, which is also the deputy defense minister, commented on the trial of Said Bouteflika, brother of the outgoing president, former intelligence chief Mohamed Medine called General Tawfik, former security chief Bashir Tartak and Labor Party leader Louisa Hanoune, saying they were "punished."

He added, `` I would like to refer to the just penalty received by some gang members, even their heads, following the issuance of judicial rulings against them for their conspiracy against the authority of the state and the authority of the National People's Army. ''

The military court in Blida, southern Algeria, has sentenced the four defendants to 15 years in prison for "conspiring against the state to change the regime."

Abdel-Razzaq Makri: Foci of electoral fraud still exist (Al-Jazeera)

Peace Society Movement
On the other hand, said the contact of the Movement of the Society of Peace (Hamas) Abdullah bin Ajimiya that `` the movement decided not to submit a candidate for the presidential elections scheduled for December 2019, '' confirming what media reported.

"The conditions for organizing elections, such as transparency and meeting the demands of the popular movement, are not available," he said.

"We will not support any candidate ... we are not a support committee," the movement's leader, Abdel-Razzaq Maqri, told a news conference in response to questions from journalists, saying the continuation of Noureddine Badawi's government was an indication of "lack of political will" to fight fraud. "Foci of electoral fraud remain."

Polls conducted by Hamas activists show that "many Algerians want to participate in the presidential elections ... regardless of the election of a completely illegitimate president," Megri said.

It is noteworthy that the Movement of Society for Peace (Hamas) is the largest opposition party in parliament with 34 seats out of 462, had previously participated in power for nearly ten years in the framework of the presidential alliance supporting Bouteflika, before withdrawing in 2012.