Sweating is a natural act of the body to regulate its temperature, and through the secretion and evaporation of sweat, which consists of water and salt, the body's temperature begins to decrease.

In his report published by HealthLine, Daniel Poppins answers common questions about sweating:

Does sweating help burn more calories?
Sweating does not burn a certain number of calories, but it makes you lose the weight of water in your body. Losing this weight is temporary. Once you drink water or eat, you will immediately regain that weight.

Why do some people sweat more than others?
The author explained that the amount of sweat produced by the body is related to a variety of factors, including:
● Genetics
● Environmental factors
● Age
● Fitness level
● Weight

Among these factors, your weight and fitness level are likely to have a significant impact on the amount of sweat your body produces during exercise.

The better your fitness, the more you sweat, because the body becomes more efficient in regulating temperature, allowing you to continue exercising longer and in a better format.

What are the benefits of sweating?
The main benefit of perspiration is to lower your body temperature. Other benefits include:
● Get healthier skin: Intense exercise helps stimulate blood circulation throughout the body, allowing oxygen and nutrients to boost skin cells.
Challenge yourself: If you are able to continue to exercise without interruption, make sure that you are doing exercises appropriate to the level of fitness, but if you feel dizzy, tired or pain, know that you put pressure on yourself a lot.

Are there any risks of sweating?
The more you sweat, the more likely you are to become dehydrated. Warmer weather and humidity can increase the amount of sweating. For every pound of sweat you lose, be sure to drink half a liter of water.Don't wait until you feel thirsty, take a bottle of water and drink regularly. It should be noted that severe dehydration can be dangerous to your health, and if you notice any of these symptoms go to your doctor immediately:

● Extreme exhaustion
● Feeling dizzy when standing
● Do not urinate for eight hours
● Pulse slowing
● Pulse acceleration
● Cramping
● Loss of consciousness

If you always sweat excessively, you may have hyperhidrosis. Therefore, visit your doctor if you are sweating at night for no reason or if you are sweating suddenly excessively. In fact, you should contact your doctor immediately if:

● Your body temperature exceeds 40 ° C or higher
● I felt chest pain
● I felt shortness of breath
● Accelerated your heart rate

How can you burn calories healthy?
If you want to lose weight, know that you should burn more calories than you eat, about 3500 calories equivalent to one pound of fat. So, you'll need to burn 3,500 calories to lose one pound of your weight. One of the best ways to gain a healthy weight is an active lifestyle through a healthy diet along with regular exercise (five days a week for 30 minutes).

Sweating is likely to help you get rid of the weight of water, and therefore temporarily lose some pounds of weight, but adopting this method to lose weight is considered unsafe.

Therefore, if you are trying to lose weight, the best way is to gradually move towards a healthy lifestyle based on exercise and a healthy diet, and your doctor can also help you develop a weight loss plan that suits your lifestyle.