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22 July 2017Interpol received a list of 173 ISIS militants who would be trained to organize suicide attacks in Europe to take revenge for the group's military defeats in the Middle East. This was written exclusively by the online Guardian, according to which the list was compiled by US intelligence based on information gathered in Syria and Iraq.

According to the British newspaper nothing demonstrates for the moment that the jihadists, of which the Guardian got the names, have penetrated into European territory, but Interpol underlines the extent of the challenge that Europe must meet. In the list, obtained by the FBI and made known by the Interpol secretary general on May 27th, the jihadists in question are defined as individuals "who could have been trained to build and place explosive devices in order to cause numerous deaths and injuries. that they can travel internationally, to participate in terrorist activities ". Interpol asks partner countries for information on the persons on the list, such as identity documents and any movements, although it does not exclude that they may be pseudonyms or false identities.